Saturday, August 22, 2009

CCU bbq

CCU crew

Sam, Henry and Kerri

CCU bbq


Kerri Ellis!

How's that Dog, Becky?

Katie Bell, Corey and Terri

CCU bbq

Pam and Becky


Party's over, time for night night

Dinner at Big Papi's

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Visit from the College Roomies! Missing: Melissa and Bagel :(

Me, Kelly and mindy

The Girls

Hana and Katherine

Jack the Dog

Handsome boy
Hanging with my buddy Jameson, oooh, he has a cookie, maybe he'll drop it!
I rolled in a carcass in Krista's yard, then had to have a bath. Liked rolling in the carcass, didn't like the bath!

Jameson, Too Cute!

Happy Jameson!

Mmmmmm, cherries, I think I'll give some to Mom

Flowers Smell Good!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lunch with Karen, we'll miss you!

Karen, gorgeous!
Breydon, even more gorgeous (and future linebacker)!

Lunch with Karen, Good luck in Texas!

Kara, Pam and cute little Jenna
